In the beginning there was Bruce

It all started in 2014 with “Bruce”, a 5kg Has Garanti coffee roaster squeezed into the back of our small cafe in Hobart, Tasmania.

Roasting our coffee was not negotiable. We wanted the best for our customers – the perfect cup.

Word spread. In a blink, we were partnering with many like-minded local cafes who share our passion for killer roasts.

Bruce was under the pump as the roastery rapidly outgrew the cafe. In 2018 we moved him to new digs in Moonah. The following year, “Delilah”, our 15kg Has Garanti beast joined the team.

Chicko and Jess

Roasting Alchemy

Quality, ethically sourced green beans are the foundation of our roasts. We carefully select beans for their distinct flavour profile, reflective of their origin, or “terroir”.

Chicko’s experience, technique and unique style guides the alchemical process of roasting. Flavour notes are amped up or dialled down. Carefully controlled heat and air form new complexity, transforming the green beans into our signature roasts.

We win awards *blush*

We know we roast great coffee, but don’t just take our word for it. We consistently win industry awards.

In 2019 Lottie Lane Coffee Roasters won four Golden Bean awards. Smooth Criminal took out silver in the Espresso (short black) Category and Wingman won bronze in the Milk Based (latte) Category. Furthermore, two of our single origin micro-lots won medals.

Chicko’s expert roasting skills also scored her a trip to Fazenda Rio Verde Premier Cru farm in Brazil. The competition celebrated Bennett’s Green Coffee Traders centenary.

Coffee is community

Our roastery is the heart of our Lottie Lane community. A dynamic space with a “cellar door feel”. It buzzes with the day to day activity of roasting, barista training and sensory workshops.

Drop-in. You are guaranteed to find killer coffee and a rogue roaster up for a chat.

Chicko soaking up the terroir at Fazenda Rio Verde Premier Cru farm, Brazil.

Chicko soaking up the terroir at Fazenda Rio Verde Premier Cru farm, Brazil.